
We're here to help!

General Support

Have questions about or need help with Presenting? Kindly contact us via email with the details of your query at [email protected], and we'll be in touch with you very shortly.

Bug Reporting

If you're reporting a bug, helping us learn exactly what the issue encountered is, and the sequence of actions to make in order to reproduce the bug, goes a long way in helping us replicate, find and then fix the issue.

1. Detail Behaviour

Below is a list of bullet points you can quickly fill in to provide us with the key information regarding the issue you're encountering, which you can copy and paste into your email client.

2. Include Relevant Attachments (optional)

Where possible, kindly also attach a screenshot or screen recording illustrating the issue in your email to us. Also, if you wouldn't mind sharing, please include your Presenting file (.presenting format) for which the error or bug occurred. This will really help us identify the issue even more quickly. Thank you! :)

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